Thursday, December 13, 2007

IF: LITTLE THINGS (Lil' Fairies)

Meet my little fairies that I did a little while ago for an ATC trade. The first is the "Lil' Mushroom Fairy", the second one is the "Lil Sleepytime Fairy", and the third is the "Lil' Cool Fairy" whose actually not so little.

Friday, December 7, 2007

My Top 25 Movies of All Time!

I was tagged by JC, a very talented artist who, like myself, likes to use bright colors in her art. She tagged me to share my top 25 all-time favorite movies. Coming up with a list of only 25 movies was very hard because there are tons that I love. I just listed the first 25 that came to mind first. Like to hear em'? Here they go.... in no particular order:

1.) The Wiz ( This is my all-time fav!!!)
2.) Friday
3.) National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
4.) The Wizard of OZ
5.) Steel Magnolias
6.) Van Wilder
7.) The Five Heartbeats
8.) Pretty Woman
9.) Shawshank Redemption
10.) Soul Food
11.) Caddy Shack II
12.) The Imitation of Life
13.) The Jerk
14.) Roots
15.) Higher Learning
16.) The Color Purple
17.) Dead Presidents
18.) We Were Soldiers
19.) Green Mile
20.) Women of Brewster's Place

More Recent Movies That I Have Seen and Love

21.) Why Did I Get Married
22.) SAW I, II, and III ( Haven't seen 4 yet, but I'm sure it's good)
23.) 300
24.) Shooter
25.) Knocked Up

Well there you have it, a very small list of movies that I love. I'm now tagging the following people and anyone else who would like to participate.

These are all wonderful and extremely talented artists. Check out the art at their websites.

1.) Zari
2.) Val Gal
3.) PepperCloud
4.) Tracy
5.) Mike