I am super stoked to have received another award. A big THANKS to Charlie from my own home town of San Antonio, Texas for nominating me for his award. It means a lot to me to be recognized for my art. Her blog, "Art Happens" is a fun and whimsy blog so please check it out.
I now have to nominate 7 other blogs so here they are:
1.) Mike
2.) JC
3.) Kelly
4.) Zari
5.) Kathy
6.) Candace
7.) Tracy
And here are the rules
The rules of accepting are as follows:
1.) Put the logo on your blog
2.) Add a link to the person who awarded you
3.) Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4.) Add links to those blogs on yours
5.) Leave a message for your nominees on their blog
Mmmmm-MWUH! Right back atcha!
Thankyou so much Katrice, you are very kind...
Wow, what an honor! Thanks SO much Kat... you are AWESOME!!! =)
Awww, thank you so much, Katrice! I really appreciate it! Thank you for visiting my blog, too :)
Thank you so much. It means a lot to me to have met such creative and sweet blogging folks like you.
you deserve it :)
Congrats Katrice! you deserve it and much more!
thanks for visiting my blog and nominating me...i'm glad you enjoy my work : )
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