So I finally did it...I ILLUSTRATED A BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes, I fulfilled one of my lifelong dreams and illustrated my first children's book, "Why Does The Sunset Mommy?". It is available at barnesandnobles.com and amazon.com !
I'm so excited and proud of myself! YAAAY ME!!!
Congratulations! I know it feels amazing to have completed such an enormous project. I'm proud of you!!
I am sooooo very proud of you. You are an amazing person and artist. Remember, this book is only the beginning. Congrats to you, and our God for giving you the talent and the drive to see this thing through. Amen, sista. Amen.
WOW! You are such an inspiration! Thank you for not giving up on a dream- a powerful message to the kids we teach and to fellow teachers. I needed that reminder to "do the dream". Congrats on your success-well deserved!
Go Bucs,
nikki g
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! OH but you did it!!!! This is like the best news. I have to tell you that you are an inspiration and I hope that you will inspire more people to do what is in their hearts and souls to do. I am very proud of you and and you SHOULD be too!! I know the hard work that must have gone into doing this wonderful project! People often tell me that , " Children's book illustration? Oh you need to get real job! How hard could it really be??? I have a children's book that I would like to write and oh, could you illustrate it for me?" Most times I say nothing. They don't have a clue and I ain't got time to educated them so I let them think what they want too. I you and I know the truth. I hope that you will sell many copies and do very well. I now that this must have been lots of work to pull of, but you did your thing and it's wonderful!!! I wish you even more success through 2010. many, many, many more books on your desk to publish! Hugs
Congratulations! Go girl! :)
Trice!! Im so happy for you and all that you are accomplishing! I checked out all of your work that you put on your kstyles blog and you are so talented girl!! Im so proud of you!!!
johanna, sweden
Congratulations! Wow! You go girl! How did you go about getting it done? Share?
Hey there Lady!
Here is my email address.
Congratulations on the new book, that is such an awesome blessing! Thanks for writing, I'm always looking for new people to talk to about art and I think it's incredible how much we have in common. So, keep in touch.
Hey girlie I haven't heard from you in a while and I just wanted to pop in and say hi. How is your year going, do you have any new pieces?
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