Thursday, November 8, 2007


Here is my illo for IF's theme "hats". Please disregard that fact that my illo's kinda leaning to the side. I've been doing that a lot lately.

7 comments: said...

Great hat and dress. I love huge hats! I like the contrast with black and white with the pink stripes in the back.

RyanLoghry said...

Now that's a hat. I like this one. I think it would look even better with this character on a collage background. Just an idea. Good work Kstyles.

HARDWAX said...

Her hat is so magnificent, it may be wearing her. She looks like a lady of the ruling class of Paris, in the early 1900's. Beautiful!

Kay Aker said...

Great character! Awe inspiring hat!

platitudinal said...

Gosh, that hat is stunning. It reminds me of My Fair Lady when Prof. Higgins and Col. Pickering took Eliza Doolitle to the race event. All the ladies there wore fancy and huge hats. Your lady would fit right in. Great illustration! :)

valerie walsh said...

She probably had one too many at lunch! I LOVE her hat and green eyes!

Alicia Padrón said...

Love the hat!! So fancy :o)