Sunday, January 13, 2008


The first thing I thought of when I saw this weeks theme was rag dolls.


Zari said...

adorable stitched dolls ;)

Anonymous said...

You did a great job on this. I love Raggedy Ann and Andy!

Kim de Young said...

Cute! Love how they are sitting back to back.

steve said...

Yeah, these are some classics from another time. Nice job!

kdhamel said...

So cute Katrice! Wonderful color and I love how they are posed and have such great expressions! There is a little Raggedy Ann in my post this week too!

Candace Trew Camling said...

I have raggedy ann and andy dolls. They were my favorite when I was a kid!

Willie Baronet said...


MiKa Art said...

I remember these dolls :-) I love your strong colours!!

JO said...

Hi Katrice, they were one of my thoughts as well. Very cute.

JC said...

Absolute cuteness!!! =) Love this illustration K!

Honor said...

I remember these guys! Very nice.

Michael Villegas said...

Thanks for visiting!

Fantastic coloring on your piece. Nice work!

sketched out said...

Raggedy Anne and Andy! I remember them! Oops, am I dating myself?

Very cute illo. Nice job!

Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

Very nice! I remember those dolls....

theaburgerart said...

Lovely work, thanks for leaving a comment, will visit again.

soulbrush said...

i had a rag doll just like this myself and i adored her.

David G. Ferrero said...

Is this illustrations painted with crayons? It makes it timeless.

Nice job!

valerie walsh said...

Raggedy Ann is one of my all time favourite inspirations like most little girls i loved mine into oblivion. This is special and i love it!

Alicia Padrón said...

Nice job! Love those colors too :o)

Pickledog said...

Very nice Ragged Ann, and Andy!