Hey everybody, I've been tagged by Kelly Hamel. I have to list 7 things about myself and tag 7 more people. Wanna hear it? Here it goes!
1.) I am a "SHOE FREAK"! (especially heels) I think I may have a pair of shoes to match every color under the sun. I'll buy a pair of shoes and worry about matching them with and outfit later.
2.) I have a chihuahua named Karod, who I really love and adore but the dog of my dreams is a Yorkshire Terrier...shhh don't tell Karod. I've even started a Yorkie fund because you know they cost a pretty penny.
3.) I know some of you may find this hard to believe but I hate cheese...EWW,YUCK, GROSS!!! But I will tear up some pizza. Wierd I know, but thats how it is.
4.) The Food Network is like therapy for me. I LOVE that channel. Go Rachel Ray, that's my girl! The home and garden channel is a close second.
5.) When I was in college, my 2 roommates and I had this goofy baby talk that we did. Nobody could really understand us but we did it all the time and it cracked us up and we would literally go all day talking in this crazy lil'language. Sometimes, now that we're older, and we talk on the phone, we'll use it for old time sake. Weird, I know, but it was fun.
6.) I was in a modeling troupe in college. It was SUPER fun!!! I enjoyed being on a runway with all the attention on me. Photo shoots were fun too!!!
7.) I love to travel. I was in New York a week ago. I took my mommy and daddy to see The Color Purple on Broadway for mothers day and an early fathers day gift. If you like plays, you'll love this one.
Well, these are just a few fun facts about me. Hope you enjoyed them. Now, I have to find 7 more people to tag. Talk to ya'll later.